P302Rivals Football - Chelsea FC
by upthechels @, 24/09, 19:59

You see mate...it's like this for me...

Is Brana the right man for the RB position? - Most certainly not imo
Is Dave the right man for the LB position? - Most certainly not imo

Can Dave do better at RB, his natural position? - Most definitely
Can Alonso do better at LB than sitting on the bench? - I don't know, let's give the guy a fair crack of the whip and see.

We stick with the first pairing and the last 18 months will become 2 years and more.
We have a pop at the second pairing and who knows what we will find. It's a move that gives us hope where there is none (imo) at the moment.

There is no risk if you don't have what it takes already, it's not like we'd be rocking a steady ship so to speak.

It's really that clear cut to me. It's black and white.