P302Rivals Football - Chelsea FC
Jeremy Corbyn
by orseshit_n_amburgers, 25/05, 15:02

calls radical hate preacher Sheikh Raed Salah an "honoured citizen".

He won't defend the people of this country.

Jeremy Corbyn
by Famous, 25/05, 15:06 @ orseshit_n_amburgers
Jeremy Corbyn
by orseshit_n_amburgers, 25/05, 15:16 @ Famous

Just need to look at his shadow cabinet. Marxists, racists and anti Semites all over the show.

He and McDonnell addressing the may day gathering of communist party members under the flags of Stalin. It's an affront to decency.

Marxism and it's doctrine was responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people in the last century alone.

It's no better than nazism.

Jeremy Corbyn
by Famous, 25/05, 15:28 @ orseshit_n_amburgers

He wouldn't be my choice of PM in an ideal world but he's the leader of the opposition at the moment and given the other options, I don't see how I can't not vote for Labour. We're not voting for a president. I want to make our country better. Their manifesto and proposals make perfect sense to me.

The fact Communists support him doesn't mean we'd end up in a Communist country if we voted him in, which this country never would do anyway.

Jeremy Corbyn
by Cfcsort, 25/05, 17:44 @ Famous

I'd rather gouge my own eyes out than vote for Labour anyway, let alone with that clown as leader and Diane Abbot in their party.

Jeremy Corbyn
by Famous, 25/05, 18:21 @ Cfcsort

Why? What about their manifesto can't make you see past individuals within the party you don't like?
Everyone's entitled to their opinion but I don't think I've spoken to one Tory voter yet who's actually given even one good reason as to why they're going to vote the way they are.

Jeremy Corbyn
by orseshit_n_amburgers, 25/05, 18:23 @ Famous

I won't be voting for labour as I don't believe in the radical ideology that they peddle.

Jeremy Corbyn
by Famous, 25/05, 18:30 @ orseshit_n_amburgers

What radical ideology?