P302Rivals Football - Chelsea FC
Bournemouth spare?
by Kingkerry2, 18/10, 07:12

Haven’t done any aways due to work commitments
But ironically they laid me off yesterday [v]
So on a brighter note, I’m free next Saturday:-)

Anyone have a spare to cheer me up please?

Bournemouth spare?
by Walter @, 18/10, 09:48 @ Kingkerry2

Haven't got a spare, but hope you get a new job soon

Bournemouth spare?
by shed69, 18/10, 22:30 @ Kingkerry2

Sorry to hear about that, good luck going forward

Bournemouth spare?
by Famous, 21/10, 13:42 @ Kingkerry2

Sorry to hear that mate, hope you find something else soon