P302Rivals Football - Chelsea FC
History repeats
by ejm @, 30/05, 23:46

Itself...for South Yorkshire Police, now read French Police.
Once again we will be subject to a media narrative transferring blame away from the vermin element that follow LFC.
How many died in the Forest end? How did RM fans remain unscathed...and once again the decent hardcore fans suffer because of it.
The problem lies fully with the club. Look at the problems we had at Chelsea back in the day, but for the most part we have turned it around.
LFC refuse to admit a problem exists. .attacking coaches on the way to Anfield...they knew about it and did nothing.
They call out the French Police but not the fake ticket scam circulating up there for weeks.
Booing the National Anthem and Abide With Me should again have been called out by the club.
Worst of all is a pandering pro Scouse media that refuses to attach blame where necessary.
And Klopp himself encouraging fans to travel without tickets, given the history of the club.
I am sure I speak for all decent football fans in that we are sick of this, and left untreated will result with more innocent deaths and another European ban which of course won't be their fault.
The French police have been gung ho with English fans for years but doesn't warrant media coverage. Who's to say their heavy-handedness didn't prevent another Hillsborough?
On a happier note, we welcome the Chelsea 69ers to town today!

History repeats
by buckblue, 31/05, 22:51 @ ejm

spot on. Absolute scum

History repeats
by CFCed @, 07/06, 10:25 @ ejm

Nailed it there lad.

Sick of their self pity and their wallowing in it. getting into them on twitter helps though.